Graphics and Visualization Labs

Geometric and Graphical Modeling Lab
Image Analysis Lab

Our work focuses on explaining visual data for Computer Vision, Computer Graphics and Medical Image Analysis, through the appropriate physical and statistical models. A central interest is in modeling the interaction of 3D shape and illumination.

Medical Imaging Lab

Use of programmable commodity GPUs to accelerate a wide variety of 3D computer tomographic (CT) reconstruction algorithms. Our RapidCT system enables fast, accelerated 3D reconstruction in diagnostic imaging, radio-therapy applications, surgery planning, electron microscopy, and others, at a fraction of the cost of proprietary devices.

Motion Capture Lab

Witness Real Time Face Scanning; Facial Expression Analysis and Transfer; Dense Non-Rigid Matching of 3D surfaces.

Multimedia Lab

The lab is a 45-seat, state-of-the art facility for 3D modeling and animation, and digital audio and video production. It's a popular destination for department and campus tours.

Virtual Reality Lab

Development of virtual reality systems for various design and testing applications such as: Mechanical CAD flythroughs, architectural walkthroughs, biomolecular drug design.

Vision Group
Visual Analytics Lab

Novel research and system development in visualization, visual analytics, medical imaging, computer graphics, computer vision, virtual and augmented reality, and GPU-acceleration of general purpose computing techniques(GPGPU).

Visualization Lab

Development of volume rendering techniques for use in scientific visualization and virtual reality applications.